My Summer with Al Qaeda
Okay, now for some controversy.
Now that the above title has the CIA, FBI, FAA, and overall USA on my case, I just want to ask a few questions. Yesterday I saw on that there is now a tape of Mr. BL talking with a co-worker about the 9/11 attacks. What is the purpose of this video? I heard on several radio programs that it is meant to taunt the US, especially on the eve of this coming Monday. Now, what is the objective of Al Qaeda (from this point known as Al), to taunt or to kill? Additionally, why does Mr. BL look the same in this video 5 years ago (thinner, grayer, more infected with AIDS - i.e. gayer) as he does in videos post 9/11/01?
Why have we not gotten Mr. BL yet? The experts believe he could be in Pakistan where the US military is not allowed. So, we just decide not to go and destroy that country either? I thought we were not allowed in Iraq either. We must also not be allowed in North Korea.
So, why has he not been captured? I have a million conspiracy like ideas. If you are into that kind of thing, check out the documentary Loose Change 911. I saw on Google video. Very interesting documentary stating that the US government set it all up. If that is too extreme for you, simply go to the very public Farenheit 9/11. You don't have to believe the government did all this to its own people, but just consider facts.
The claims in Loose Change are extreme, however one question stands out in my mind. How could the passport of one of the hijackers shoot out of the air plane and land on the streets of New York only slightly battered when no other piece of the plane was remaining? Why didn't one of those religious assholes fly out either? Maybe the terrorist put his passport on the dashboard so he wouldn't lose it.
I am not trying to make light of it, as no matter what story you believe, people died. In masses. Innocently.
So, you might be asking yourself, "Shut up already Duba. I am not asking myself anything I just came here to see if you have restarted 'Duba's Arc'." Okay, so here is the bottom line:
Okay, the real bottom line is that I believe that our country wants to keep Mr. BL alive. He is the face of terrorism. An image we can rally behind. It's like a promotional poster for a movie. There is the hero - GW, the problem - The towers falling down, and the villain - Mr. BL. I hate it. Every news network has their own graphic, music, special reporters, and now networks have hit a significant anniversary of the event, 5 years, with a miniseries to boot! Oh the ratings will be through the roof. I saw United 93. I would have seen World Trade Center but funds have been tight (thank God my teacher wife is starting school again - see Jim, teaching is not all that great, amongst other reasons). We all have some interest. I think you have something wrong with you if you just scoff at the idea of 9/11. However, you might have a different view point on the reasons but should still have the compassion for innocent people who were murdered that day. I have compassion for anybody who dies. We all lose people at some point, sometimes individually or as a group.
Keeping Mr. BL alive allows the war on terror to continue. It has branched into spinoffs such as the axis of evil and abosrbed the consistently breaking news of the Israel-Palestine conflict (kind of like when the Harlem Globetrotters visited Gilligan's Island. How a whole group of basketball players made it to and off the island while leaving that group of castaways alone is asenine. What the fu..sorry, back to terrorism). It gives reasons for the government to spy on its own American citizens. Yeah, I'm all for getting terrorists out of our country (along with pregnant women - quote Al Bundy "Pregnaho"). Yet the government can now spy on businesses, technology developments, and other politicians. The majority of people have bought into the war on terror in some form or the other. As long as 51% believe in it as an aboslutely necessary war, we can expect this for years to come.