
My Waste.com

Well folks, I just wanted to comment on the illustrious and notorious myspace.com. I had an account for about a year. I joined one day in my basement as I was working out. I was taking a break and found out I could listen to the new Nine Inch Nails CD before it came out. It was awesome. I forgot I had myspace until somebody invited me to be a friend or something like that. I think my friend Eleni got me first, then Popie and Christina (my wife's awesome cousins - shout out to you). From there, I just sat by. I wrote a couple of blogs and restarted the Duba's Arc series. They will be reposted here in one giant blog one day soon. So today I decided to cancel my account. I gave a couple days for the 5 people who check out my profile per month could figure out where I would be putting my thoughts and life happenings. So the big question is:

Why is myspace.com so important?

Well, the first thing I think of is Dane Cook. He is a comedian who I do not think is necessarily funny joke wise, but his descriptions are funny as Hell. He has a way of describing every day events that uses words you would not normally consider using to describe something. He is not necessarily a comedian in my book but a comedic thesaurus. He still deserves his accolades, I guess. I like Brian Regan better. The second most important thing about myspace.com, it stopped a school shooting in one of the soutehrn states. I don't remember which one, but does it really matter? These states have no distinguishing characteristics in its gun control laws or race views in my opinion so every state there is the same to me. Anyway, the troubled kids were discussing a plot to shoot kids and teachers in the school. First off, they are pussies. Deal with being beaten up or teased, but they are not killing you. Come up with a really creative way to get them back, humiliate them, but don't hurt them. Living successfully is the best revenge. Secondly, why would you discuss these plans openly? I do not condone it, but I mean you kids deserve all your time in jail or juvy or wherever they put gun toting pussies. The third thing about myspace and the main and only reason people join in my opinion is to feel better about themselves and collect a large group of people associated with them in both reality and www land. I did not need a network of people randomly saying boring crap to me. There are a few people whose comments I appreciated and input meant something, and I think they know who they are. However, I know people who now have best friends from myspace who have left behind their real friends. You can't be real on the internet with just a couple of lines. Sure, some people use it to get in touch with long lost associates, friends, or loved ones. Hell, Ryan Keough from Cinnaminson Class of 1998 reached out to me. I was not necessarily a friend of his, but he was a cool guy. Landis one time wrote "I suck shit" on the back of his shirt in permanent marker. That was fucked up, funny, but not right. I had no problem with him. He was actually a cool guy. Looking back on it. He reached out to me. Then random people reached out to me asking me to be their love interest, survey takers, random friends for new 14 year old girls in the area. Great. Just what I need in my FBI file.

So I just highlighted all the main benefits to myspace.com. Pretty intense huh? Well, I am glad to have that gone from my life as it was nothing more a nuissance and annoying to hear every day different people talk about myspace. The (intellectual) World of Duba is my official home now. Stay tuned, become friends with me here, and we can have all the gay banter you like.


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