
Scientists know it. Industries know it. Al Gore knows it. Even GW himself knows it. So why do we not care? I bet more people can tell me the name of at least one terrorist from September 11 than call tell me what the number one pollutant in the air is. Not to belittle the terrorist attacks, I would never do that. It surely was a tragedy. Whether you believe in conspiracies or not, real actual people with families and much more to contribute were taken away on that day. However, many people are also dying from mankinds own actions. Ground level ozone (which Camden County - where I live - is ranked 16th WORST in the country) can lead to asthma and other pulminary problems. Mercury can cross state lines freely along with NOx and SOx. The solution that we have today? I don't know, you tell me. I don't see one.

What I see are misguided attempts at environmental control for the sake of improving big business. Let's face it, environmental laws limit production to a degree or lowers a bottom line, at least that is the broad assumption. By repeeling environmental laws, production can increase. The staff, monitoring equipment, and technology that controlled releases to air/water/landfills no longer are required. That is why i am not working in a factory today. You need 5-10 years experience, a Master's Degree, and must have the entire environmental spectrum in your experience any more (at least in the Philadelphia region). The need is not there any more. Look up information from the EPA on emissions trading credits for NOx, SOx, and CO2. Basically, if one state emitts, say, 2 tons of NOx and its quota is 4 tons, it can do as it pleases with the extra 2 tons. If a state emitts 5 tons when the quota is 3 tons, it can purchase the first states additional 2 ton credit. How does that help anybody? Emissions of some states have actually been raised from previous levels allowing for more pollution to be emitted. Yes, in a few years allowable emission levels will decrease, but for some states it will go back to the levels that used to be established. The states with this situation are mostly away from the East Coast. That means these increased or not-as-controlled (I made up my own hyphenated word) emissions will travel across state border. This is the same program that exists on a global stage known as the Kyoto Protocol. There is a lot of leeway for third world countries, so the U.S. does not like that. Yet we incorporate similar themed programs here. Do not forget that mercury emission levels have been increased as well. Isn't mercury the stuff that our teachers did not want us to touch when the thermometer broke? What would those teachers say about breathing it in?

What I see is a world overcrowding. Remember that rule that mass in a system cannot either be created or destroyed? Okay, so our world population has grown from 1 human (or 2, whatever you believe) to billions. It is absolutely impossible to have the same amount of anything in place when billions of people are living and still growing. There are less trees (required for shelter, or in more basic societies to provide energy/heat), less arable (farmable) land, less water in the ground (that sucks the most - if you think fighting for oil is bad, wait until water resources become more coveted), I could go on with all that is going away. Just to meet the bare necessities to sustain human life, this would happen. Imagine what disappears when we live in excess or as gluttons? That includes gasoline for SUVs, natural gas or electricity to power your $4 million home, disposable cell phones, etc. Many people say that third world countries are the problem, but I say no. The most industrialized countries are the problem with non-essential consumption activities that have actually raped some of these third world areas. America is about to reach 300 million people, at least that are legally accounted for. That will grow and grow and grow. When the United States was created, there were only an estimated 250 million people in the WORLD. Controlling the population is a major humanitarian and moral debate saved for another day. However, what I do propose for you normal people like me to cut back on some of your excessive habits. Unless you're in Mexico, don't buy bottled water. Don't leave lights on that don't belong. Learn to sleep without the TV on. Rinse out a glass real quick with water that you used earlier in the day. God there are a million things you could do. Every time you think you are being wasteful, you are. I am guilty of it, and so are people who I love and have respect for. I'm sure you are too. Look at each other and say to him or her that he or she does not need that, or recycle that, or whatever.

What I see is the earth scarring itself like a depressed kid getting dumped by his girlfriend. Seriously, it is crazy the amount of natural disasters that have occurred since beginning 2005, let alone the past 10 years. A record breaking hurricane season. Rough draughts and then periods of heavy rain causing massive flooding/landslides. Those are two that can be debated are attributed to man. Other crazier disasters, like the country of Indonesia, are almost prophetic in their distruction. Seriously, Indonesia gets hit with a tsunami, then an earthquake, then a volcano blows. This is just nature, but I mean c'mon. Billions to trillions of dollars (I do not know how much Yen or Euros that is) are being spent along with consumption of mass resources to repair and replaced damaged areas. In reviewing pictures from Hurricane Katrina, it was poignant to see an oil rig stuck under a bridge in Missippi or Louisiana, I don't remember exactly.

What I see is nothing at all. Watch the news tonight. Tell me the details of any environmental concerns in the world today. Then tell me the latest details on any celebrity. It could be Michael Jackson taking a nap with another youngster or Angelina Jolie adopting another race of child, I really don't care. Then tell me about any word on the fight against terror. My point is, you may not see anything at all about the environment in your news! If you do, it may just be a special report, a local story of a factory polluting the neighborhood, or a 30 second blurb on global warming. Why not a 1 hour broadcast for environmental news and issues? Oh that's right because it is boring. We can put faces on terror, giving actual symbols of fear. However, what are you going to be afraid of about a smoke stack? How about aerial shots of New Orleans? That just does not draw the same reaction. When I used to see an area that was devestated by a hurricane I would think "Well, why live there? Those people are stupid anyway." I am sure many people think that. I think differently now though. Sadly, media is controlled by several people within the government or have an interest in government and their issues will be pushed. It has to be left to you to inform yourself and others of environmental problems.

Whew, I have been waiting for a public forum to get this crap off my chest. It is crap. There are solutions out there, but the powerful people don't allow them to come to fruition. I know I sounded real nerdy here, but don't worry. I wil bring childish humor to my next post. Thanks for reading, if you did.


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